Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Email Overload

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So it was raining outside Saturday and I decided to spend the first part of my day rsz_envelopewitheruthlessly going through my emails in one of my accounts. Sometimes you just have to be honest with yourself about email and say "Hey, I haven't read any of these emails in over a year and I'm not going to"!

This particular email account has over 13,000 plus messages in my inbox! Yes, you read that right! Now as a professional organizer I should know better, but I have over 6 other email accounts that I have to keep up with and so I have just let this one be the catchall and skim through daily for the emails that need my response. All other emails go unread unfortunately. This has lead to a backup of 13,000 messages in my inbox.

So today I am inspired to clean out my over bloated inbox and come up with a system to keep more on top of it. Here is what I am doing:

  1. I'm using the nifty search feature to pull up certain emails that I know that I don't read and mass deleting them.
  2. I am unsubscribing from any email that I have not bothered to even look at! (this is a hard one because some I really did have good intentions of reading, but alas I am only one person.)
  3. Since I have about two years of these emails I am starting with the oldest emails first since many are expired information anyway. This makes the clean up process a heck of a lot faster.
  4. I'm taking my time. Because it is not feasible to think that I am going to get through all of these emails in one sitting. But if I do a hour or two a day I should have a nice and tidy inbox in no time.
So that is it. Not a fun task but a task that must be done none the less. One good thing about this is that I will learn the lesson of not letting my inbox get to this stage ever again. Daily maintenance and careful thought of what emails I sign up for is the key to having a tidy inbox. I would love to hear from you about how you keep your email inbox clean. You may not have a many as me, but we can all learn from one another. I will keep you posted on my progress. Hopefully I will be able to show a tidy inbox before weeks end next week. Fingers crossed!


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